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Sexual & Intimacy Issues

Did you know 1 in 10 men in India suffer from Erectile Dysfunction (inability to get or maintain an erection long enough for sexual intercourse)?

So you are not alone. And don’t feel embarrassed to talk about it or any other sexual issues you may be facing.


Based on a study of female patients, the data showed that sexual problems are not reported even when they are widely prevalent. 64% of women can't talk about this to their partners too. 82% of patients had some sort of sexual problem. But you can openly talk to our medical specialists. They are non-judgemental and will treat you with respect, empathy, and kindness. 


At inticure, we don’t just treat your symptoms. Our medical experts will identify the root cause(s) of your issues and formulate your treatment. Our holistic approach may involve a combination of consultations with multi-disciplinary specialists, prescription and non-prescription medications, counseling, therapy, and much more. Rest assured, no matter what issues you are facing, our world-class doctors and licensed experts will take you from oh no, to OH YES!


If you are experiencing one or more of the below symptoms or concerns, start your journey with us

Inability to get and keep an erection long enough for sexual intercourse



*Urologist, Psychiatrist, Sexologist, Lifestyle Specialist, Sleep Specialist, Clinical Dietician

Concerns with sexually transmitted infections






*Dermatologist, Urologist

Feeling anxious or stressed about sex and it is affecting my sex life





*Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Sexologist

Ejaculating earlier than you or your partner would like






*Sexologist/Psychiatrist, Urologist

Rashes or chafing on the penis or burning sensation during urination or intercourse




*Urologist, Dermatologist

Confused about my sexual orientation







*Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Sexologist

Taking too long to orgasm and ejaculate







Not attracted to my partner or sexually unsatisfied with my partner





*Psychiatrist, Sexologist

Lack or low desire for sexual intercourse





*Sexologist/Psychiatrist, Lifestyle Specialist, Clinical Dietician, Sleep Specialist


Difficulty becoming aroused





*Psychiatrist/Psychologist, Sexologist, Lifestyle Specialist, Sleep Specialist, Clinical Dietician

*Our ‘Suggested Specialists’ is just a guide and does not mean that your issue will always or only require intervention from the suggested specialists. After your assessments and consultations, our doctors will recommend the appropriate specialists.

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